Steel reports???


Well-Known Member
I dont need to talk too loud----truth is I just havent been there.

Stick, quinner-----anybody???? been having any luck lately.

Dress warm, bring food, enjoy the water Gord! 8D


"Rivers are living things, sometimes swollen and discoloured, other times thin and anaemic. Spend enough time around a particular river, you learn to read its moods, like a spouse reads a partner."

Stick, it sounds like i am not the only one who has missed seeing your reports and sense of humour.

Open the lips, fight for drifts!!!!!! I learned a long time ago to shut the f&^k up!!!!!! Unless the guy beside you is stupid enough to enjoy the freezing rain or blowing blizzard as much as you are. [:o)]
I think mother nature was on the side of the fish this year.. lousy tough conditions for fall. It was deffinatly a feast or famine year as far as rain conditioms and water levels were concerned. Thats why they call it fishing i guess...:D
Originally posted by Fish Bones

I think mother nature was on the side of the fish this year.. lousy tough conditions for fall.

Definitely not a good year for the fishermen but a good thing in the long run for the fish. They'll get to where they need to go. Do what they gotta do and we'll see some good returns in the next three or four years.
Just over 3 weeks before the season closes in my back yard and it looks as though it'll be close to a week before it's even wadeable.
Guess I'll be doin' a lot of "long drives" pretty soon.
If you're up for the drive, the Maitland has been a consistant producer for me this fall(actually every fall). You have to wait four days after a heavy rain for the water to be fishable, but it can be great on the fourth and fifth day. You also have to know how to read a river, as the Maitland is big, with a lot of fish holding water. Even on days when the talk is "no fish in the river", I/we seem to manage just fine. I prefer half a worm under a float, over everything else with small bags second, followed by an egg sucking leech pattern...;)
good luck
I fished the Bayfield last Thursday,and looking forward to fishing the Maitland River next week,now that the water levels on this big river are finally going down.I am looking forward for a good Hike/Fishing day,just like I had on the Bayfield River8D

Fish are around guys. Even in the high water just modify your presentation and you will get'em!

Name: Jason Barnucz (Delhi, Ontario)
Thanks to my sponsors Bass Magnet Lures, Koppers Live Target Lures, Fishing World, Bills Bait and Tackle
2007, 2011 Team Ontario, Ontario BASS Federation Nation
Good Point Jay and others that wrote in their comments.;)High and or fast muddy water etc.,or even Low Clear water,(use lighter line in this case),it is all about adapting to the condition,especially the Maitland River,which I have Fished and learned from,by fishing it now for the last 30 year`s.I was also waiting for less crowded conditions,which is why I usually will only Fish through the week,and not on the weekends.Good Luck To All.

Unfortunatley giving out info on fishing boards about where and how to catch Steelhead doesn't help the crowds. It seems to get worse every year! I had a really bad experience Friday with multiple cars at all access points I stopped at. These are spots that I have fished for years and rarely if ever seen another person at......Thanks internet!

Hi Josh, I feel your pain.

Majority of posters are great about NOT sharing TOO MUCH information publicly. I regularly chat with anglers I know on email about conditions, etc. to get updates. Why not? I have no issues driving long distances to catch fish. Why make the drive (2 hours or more) if the conditions are less than optimal. Other days I will go regardless, depends on the waterbody and the time I have.

The point of this thread was discussing the high water conditions we have had recently (and likely to continue this year). My post was simply suggesting that you have to adapt to make the most of a day on the water.

Like many anglers, due to work, family, etc. I don't get to fish when I want to. I think I speak for many anglers, you must adapt and fish the conditions that are encountered each visit. In my line of work I can assure you, there are ALWAYS fish in rivers.

I don't think anyone was sharing that much info here. Just offering opinions. Low and clear OR high and dirty - adapt and you can catch fish.

Name: Jason Barnucz (Delhi, Ontario)
Thanks to my sponsors Bass Magnet Lures, Koppers Live Target Lures, Fishing World, Bills Bait and Tackle
2007, 2011 Team Ontario, Ontario BASS Federation Nation
Wasn't trying to argue Jay, just venting. My favourite trib has seen a 10x increase in traffic in just a few years and the other day was enough to make me not want to bother fishing it at all. I am more than willing to put in an effort and lose some sleep to fish in solitude on a weekday but it's getting pretty tough........

When it comes to steelheading I would prefer to not see any tribs or locations named, just my opinion I guess. I think everyone should remember that when they post a location or pics of a spot it is likely someone else's favourite. Just think about how you would feel if someone posted YOUR favourite honeyhole online for everyone to see. Just something to think about........

Could not agree more. I've been there Josh and vented LOTS! LMAO!

IMO, anglers who mean no harm sharing information. I think the information sharing on boards regarding river conditions and locations has dropped considerably. That's great.

Personally, I have stayed away from the rivers until air temps are closer to ZERO and it keeps guys away. Same in the spring. You won't see me on rivers much between late April and early November. I prefer to chase bass, walleye until that point.

Either way, tis the season. See you on the river. If you see a guy (6'3" with a green rod, black centre pin and wright/mcgill waders/jacket) say hello!

Name: Jason Barnucz (Delhi, Ontario)
Thanks to my sponsors Bass Magnet Lures, Koppers Live Target Lures, Fishing World, Bills Bait and Tackle
2007, 2011 Team Ontario, Ontario BASS Federation Nation
Geez I only asked a simple? question---wasnt asking for specifics---never have never will, just curious how other people have done this year seeing as the info well has pretty much dried up.

Originally posted by Josh Roelofsen

Wasn't trying to argue Jay, just venting. My favourite trib has seen a 10x increase in traffic in just a few years and the other day was enough to make me not want to bother fishing it at all. I am more than willing to put in an effort and lose some sleep to fish in solitude on a weekday but it's getting pretty tough........

When it comes to steelheading I would prefer to not see any tribs or locations named, just my opinion I guess. I think everyone should remember that when they post a location or pics of a spot it is likely someone else's favourite. Just think about how you would feel if someone posted YOUR favourite honeyhole online for everyone to see. Just something to think about........


Willing to lose some sleep? You dont sleep at all LOL.

Originally posted by Jay

Hi Josh, I feel your pain.

Majority of posters are great about NOT sharing TOO MUCH information publicly. I regularly chat with anglers I know on email about conditions, etc. to get updates. Why not? I have no issues driving long distances to catch fish. Why make the drive (2 hours or more) if the conditions are less than optimal. Other days I will go regardless, depends on the waterbody and the time I have.

The point of this thread was discussing the high water conditions we have had recently (and likely to continue this year). My post was simply suggesting that you have to adapt to make the most of a day on the water.

Like many anglers, due to work, family, etc. I don't get to fish when I want to. I think I speak for many anglers, you must adapt and fish the conditions that are encountered each visit. In my line of work I can assure you, there are ALWAYS fish in rivers.

I don't think anyone was sharing that much info here. Just offering opinions. Low and clear OR high and dirty - adapt and you can catch fish.

Name: Jason Barnucz (Delhi, Ontario)
Thanks to my sponsors Bass Magnet Lures, Koppers Live Target Lures, Fishing World, Bills Bait and Tackle
2007, 2011 Team Ontario, Ontario BASS Federation Nation

Tough to adapt to the conditions if the water is up more then 12 ft from normal fishable levels lol...and been like that all fall!

Sure it's tough. But you know what they saw about a tough day of fishing! ;)

Name: Jason Barnucz (Delhi, Ontario)
Thanks to my sponsors Bass Magnet Lures, Koppers Live Target Lures, Fishing World, Bills Bait and Tackle
2007, 2011 Team Ontario, Ontario BASS Federation Nation
Tough to adapt to the conditions if the water is up more then 12 ft from normal fishable levels lol...and been like that all fall!

Hey Quinner! I know the good Lord made us from different patterns as far as our physical stature but where has there been a 12' increase in water level locally, except in the lowest ends of our tribs? All fall? No, but the best part of it for sure, at least on 1 trib ;). And yes I realise that ALL men have a hard time distinguishing between 6" and a foot. Or in the case of trout nuts, 6 pounds and 12.

Adaptablity IS the name of the game when it comes to creek running.

Just jerking your chain young fella. At my age I ain't waiting for next year. Just adapting as best I can to keep the addiction rolling.

Float drops, set the hook and enjoyin' the ride!!!!
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