Red Hering
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  • Hey Red, how's the water on the Thames? Still high, fishable yet?
    Red Hering
    Red Hering
    Great to hear from you again @Hooked on Ice 👊👊 I was walleye fishing today for a couple of hours,with no luck. Maybe 🤔 it’s still a little early for the walleye run. The Thames River is still a little high,but dropping fast!! Hopefully 🤞 the rain coming starting tomorrow,will not mess up the Thames River again!! But tomorrow as of now,it will be much better for walleye fishing! 🎣🐟🐟🐟🐟🤞😉👍😎


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    Hooked on Ice
    Thanks Red, I haven't been able to get out on the ice this season, not looking very promising that there will be any fishable ice, at least not locally. I might head up to the Thames instead at some point.
    Red Hering
    Red Hering
    Too bad about the “no ice” this year on long point bay. I usually walleye fish the Thames River through the week. Maybe we could meet up again around the Delaware Conservation Park area,like we did a couple of year’s ago.Text me ahead of time,when you are going,if you like. 🎣🐟🐟🐟🐟🤞👍😎


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    hey there, why no pix of Old Cut Marina Ltd.?? The livery has pulled their sponsership for the webcam and wants nothing to do with ice fishing.
    Also that is highly confidental...DO NOT REPEAT.
    Peace and love only soon George.
    It’s my Birthday ? Today!! Happy birthday ? to me!! lol ? ???o_O?
    Red Hering
    Red Hering
    It’s O.K. @stomp :rolleyes:;) BUT!! don’t forget my Birthday ? next year on April 26,2020,(also the opening of trout season),when I turn 65 years young,and I will be collecting my first Old Age Pension.”Hooray!” more gas money to go on fishing trip’s!! ?LOL :ROFLMAO: Thanks again for your birthday wish my friend & please keep in touch & talk soon. ?;)??
    It is a Fenwick(Fishing Rod Advertising Logo on it) Hat. But I do also have a Dolphins Hat in my Hat Collection. Tight Lines.
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