I'm trying out a donation feature to supplement and/or replace the income that comes from site advertising. A recent survey of members indicated that about 1/3 of members would be willing to make a donation in order to see less advertising when using Channel 6-8. Donations will also help fund things that the group has requested, such as producing and distributing Channel 6-8 stickers, rewarding volunteers and outstanding contributors for their efforts, and supporting community events.
Annual donations of $25 or more automatically earn the Channel 6-8 ROC. (Restricted Operator Certificate), which will significantly reduce the amount of advertising you see. Unlike the official ROC , a Channel 6-8 ROC doesn't license you to talk on a VHF radio and is valid for one year (unless you're a really generous donor). Donations are voluntary.
Automated donations through the website are made possible through PayPal. If you prefer to use E-transfer, you can send same to @ stomp@longpoint.on.ca. Note: if donating by e-transfer, please include your 6-8 username so I can relate the donation back to you.
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Advertising is what keeps Channel 6-8 on the air. To this end, please take a moment to disable your AdBlocker. If you would prefer an ad-free experience, but would still like to help support site operations, please consider making a donation.