Wed Feb 16


Went out of St Williams today to find most of the huts in close! I can see why.. Travel was ok today but it looks as if it will be tough in the coming days... The perch didn't co-operate today with only 5 keepers for me. The good part is that the pike were very active with several on the ice and many more missed...
Thanks for the report pics - the next few days might be tricky out there. At least some of the snow will be melted. We're heading out Sunday - I'm hoping things will be hardened up by then. Fishing has been slow but I've heard of some catches being made - right spot - right time?:)
Thanks also for your day on the ice,pics.I am looking forward of another day on the ice,coming this Saturday.Let as hope,that the Perch/Pike are going to be VERY HUNGRY!!!,for everyone that is heading out,whenever they can.8D

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