Well-Known Member
Fished with Dave Cattell this morning left the dock @8am returned@ 1pm 5 for 6 on eyes 5 for 5 on sheephead,Cgd work Dave:D) The 10 colour lead did the trick all caught on harness-65fow south-west of port.
thx horty always nice to get warmed up with sheppies before u attack the monsters. i had a great time and the weather was perfect :):)
im not sure about tues yet, won't know until mon afternoon. had some pickeral last night it was great. if u get a call from someone dont hold the spot for me as I can go another time.

We ended up going out of Glasglow went east to start towards Stanely then trolled back west until we found the fish, ended up with 10 eyes, 2 silvers and more sheeps then I have ever seen.

Glad 2 here Devin tryed 2 call u but no response we all had a grt day -hope it is just the start:D
had another on the water with Dave Cattell-3 eyes an 1 nice bow-sorry u could not make it Steve-hope everything ok?



Horty,Nice Catch.I never launched out of Port Stanley before,and since it is closer from my Home to Port Stanley,I thought that I would give it a try,likely next week sometime.(for a change of scenery-etc.).My question is,does it get crowded there during the week?I don`t know where you launch,but I am thinking of trying the launch at Stan`s Marina--Early In The Morning,when I do go.Thanks In Advance.

MY DOCK is right across from stan,s ur welcome with me anytime,but stans is ok during the week.shoot me a e-mail if u want 2 hook -up
Horty Thank-You Very Much for the information about the Boat Ramp at Stan`s Marina,and also for the Invitation to go Fishing with you at anytime,Much Appreciated.I will keep your e-mail handy just in case I want to Hook-Up.Keep On Catching.8D

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