Port Glasgow - June 26th


R.O.C. (Radio Operator's Certificate)
Thanks to some sound advice from Scrimmy, we managed to find a small school of fish in 62 fow just East of Port Glasgow. We picked away at them and ended up with 7 bows and 2 bonus walleye. We lost another 6 or so due to the rusty and incompetent captain and crew but were thrilled with the results for our first offshore trip of the year. The boys had a blast!

There was not really any consistency, we got fish on various colours of spoons, off the riggers, dipsies and 5 & 7 colour lead but mostly fished around 30 depth.

Nice Catch G.Mech/crew,myself & likely other anglers,hope that some of these Bows/Walleyes are swimming East to the Port Stanley,Port Bruce & Port Burwell waters real soon.:)

Nice job,i see you have another person in your crew.I do have one question though."did you catch anything this time":D:D

Big Rod
Of course not BR, I was the "Rusty, incompetent captain" who was responsible for the six fish we lost.... The boys did let me reel in one bow and some sheepies though just for some exercise.
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