Niagara Baits
Well-Known Member
Now sells Minnows!! Only $5 a scoop (approx. 30)
Boaters and Pier fisherman/fishergirls welcome!!
Great customer service on our Launch ramp as well ($10)
- golf cart ride to your vehicle
- help launching your boat
- washrooms
- fuel and pump out
Come check out our 1 stop shop, you won't be disappointed!!
Greg & Sam @
North Erie Marina
Now sells Minnows!! Only $5 a scoop (approx. 30)
Boaters and Pier fisherman/fishergirls welcome!!
Great customer service on our Launch ramp as well ($10)
- golf cart ride to your vehicle
- help launching your boat
- washrooms
- fuel and pump out
Come check out our 1 stop shop, you won't be disappointed!!
Greg & Sam @
North Erie Marina