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  • its getting to be that time of year again. need to schedule a bottom wash any time after thanks giving. contact me to set up a time
    Niagara Baits
    Hi there! Whenever your ready bring it down. You can call Greg 519-765-2010 Thank you!
    Good morning Greg an Sam ,my trailer should be down there by 10am this morning-thurs. 28th will check in with u when we get there-HORTY
    It's Randy Keith (dyeing) on the board. Would the cottage be available from July 10 to 17th? That is when the wife has off and we are thinking about heading down. She also wanted to know if you have Wifi.
    Hey guys, just wondering if there would be a slip available for sunday overnight with shore power.
    Planning on fishing early sunday morning, staying the night and fishing monday.
    Greg would remember my big old yellow starcraft cuddy cabin ;)

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