Owen Sound Salmon Spectacular

Red Hering

Well-Known Member
R.O.C. (Radio Operator's Certificate)
I was just wondering if anyone has gone to this Salmon Derby over the past few year`s,and wether it is worth the trip up there.A Buddy of mine wants me to join him for this Salmon Derby.I would rather stay here local for the Walleye`s/Rainbows,which I have not even touched on yet this year,but I am also curious about this Salmon Derby,I have not fished it for the past 10 year`s. Thank-You In Advance.

Hey red fish, I have been waiting to see a post of you putting a hurting on some jumbo perch or better yet some eye's and bows this summer. Good luck if ya hit the spectacular, just remember it's pretty spectacular off Burwell and Bruce too;)

Brian (Legend Man)
Did that tourney. Tough fish! Wont do that again. Would rather stay here for pics. If I was to go for salmon, it would be down to Credit.
Absolutely horrible Salmon fishing up there! I have many freinds in OS that have been fishing the bay their entire lives and a fish a day is real good fishing during the derby......

That said, I was in the area fishing Steelies a couple times during late September/early October last year and there seemed to be more Chinnys in the river than I'd seen in close to 10yrs.

I wont fish that derby again. My brother in-law fished the entire derby last year and caught 1 salmon. Not worth the time, gas or effort. Just my 2 cents
My wife and I went up lasted year for a few days.
Wasnt worth the price of the derby tickets .
#3 days fishing not even a knock off
Better to put a clown suit on and fish for carp with corn in the grand then burn gas up there lo. Big kings are coming in soon lake o is a good alternative.learned from the legend of the skyway pier beernut the great.
I was also pondering inviting an old friend and fishing this tourney. In the past I've always heard about the quality fishing
@ Owen Sound. Very disappointing to hear it has declined to such a level. I will be changing plans.
:)When you fish the Owen Sound Derby, you have to be fishing about 3A.M.till just after the sun comes up. The water is so clear there the salmon spook very easily. That has been my lesson learned up there.:P:P Also you have to fish deeeeep.
Thank-You very much everyone so far for the Help,it is much appreciated.:)There is nothing worst then going all that way for just a Boat Ride.I used to love to go to Goderich in the Fall trolling the rivermouth for Salmon,but just like Owen Sound,it has declined.I believe one of the main reason is that the Alewife`s,the main Baitfish for the Salmon,took a turn for the worst a few years ago.These Alewife`s were the main food source for the Salmon.No Baitfish,No Salmon. Earlier this afternoon I put a small Tackle Box of my favourite Lure`s together,to Haul in some Walleye`s & Bows for the Port Bruce/Burwell area for Fishing real soon,Winds permitting.jumbos,I can`t believe myself that I have not posted any pictures of Perch/Walleyes & Rainbows,Retirement has put me in a Slower Mode.:)Now that the weather seems to be more comfortable to Fish in,it should be Spectacular,out on the Lake.8DSpending a few days fishing for Salmon on Lake Ontario by the Credit River,sounds like a nice trip to.;)Keep On Catching!8D

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