Cats Gone Wild


Well-Known Member
Fished from 5-930pm. Landed over 30 cats on my own. I lost count...
Some fantastic fighting lake run fish just making their way into the river with that rain on Tuesday.
Here are the best 5 I could get during good light, brought a number of slobs to the boat after dark as well.

I am in my kayak, so I usually play them out then gill them. The action was so furious that I was rushing them in, trying to get them quick and needless to say got quite a few showers as well as some beat up hands. I've never seen it like that in my life. I didn't reel in more than 5 times without a fish.
Can I ask where you're fishing cats? I'd love to get the boat in and fish them. I'm outside Pt.Stanley.
I do catch a few really clean lake run fish from time to time that I think about taking home. Then I realize I don't want to clean fish when I get home, so I put it back and keep fishing LOL.
Never tried it tbh.
Yeah for some reason, I have noticed the same. On the days the carp are going mad, the cats just aren't eating. Was the day you did well last Wed or Thurs? After that little bit of rain Tues, they seemed to stampede into the mouth, but have since dispersed and I am having trouble getting back into double digits on trips out since then, still fun, I just got spoiled. People keep telling me they don't come in until June LOL. I tell them I've caught over 50 already.
Hoping for some rain tonight, second wave of fish holed up out in the lake waiting for the right water should be ready to go. If it stays dry, I am going to try drifting out in the lake around the mouth and try to find them.
Definitely been sporadic so far. On one day off the next. After some early morning steelhead then midday catfishin on a Huron trib we headed to an Erie creek for more afternoon cats. Hit 6 fish in short order at the first spot we fished and couldn't find one for the next 3 hours. Fun day all around tho! Beautiful long weekend weather:)

BTW, late on in the season, when the carp have finished spawning and are in feeding mode, I have done well tossing a bait behind the pods of carp that are rooting up the bottom. I find feeding cats will follow the carp possibly picking up food that has been uncovered? I was quite surprised when I stumbled upon the pattern and its payed off well for me on a few occasions.
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Actually it was last wed. when I did well. Right now I'm fishing farther upstream rather than the mouth. The mouths are quite busy with boaters right now in my area. 2 years ago I caught a 12lbder on March 10 so they do hit early in the season as well. Hey Josh I'll have to try that this year. TC
We only got 5 yesterday, but weighed a 15 and an 18, and had a freight train hang me up in a tree that I had no chance of stopping. Big Kitties this year...