wildeye rainbow
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  • Hello!

    Saw your name being mentioned on some older post regarding boat insurance and mdmarine.
    Looking to get insurance for new-to-me boat, never had insurance on boats before, only had beaters before :)

    Is it still possible to get a quote with mdmarine through you as such?
    wildeye rainbow
    wildeye rainbow
    MD Insurance is one of the sponsors of 6-8. They provided me with a decent price for decent coverage. here is the contact info

    Ashley Mile R.I.B.O

    4 King St. Orillia ON. L3V 1R1

    T: 877-627-4633 Ext. 204

    F: 705-325-9974


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    wildeye rainbow
    wildeye rainbow
    You're welcome. Glad to help.
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