68 million litres


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R.O.C. (Radio Operator's Certificate)
London free press is reporting the spill of 68 million litres of sewage due to the heavy January rainfall. Just imagine if that were a farmer. It,s easy to point fingers at a very small percentage of the population but as a farmer I gotta say she!£# happens but if half the cities on our great lakes had spills our lake might be a little green. Without some nutrients our lakes would die but this is ridiculous.
Having worked in the wastewater treatment industry for 35 years it irks the OIC { operator in charge} to no end when we have to do a By-pass but if we didn't the cost in terms of infrastructure or operational damage dictates we have no choice and must follow a MOE criteria in order to do so. Most Canadian cities have plans in place to separate sanitary from storm sewers and building run off ponds for storm water , unfortunately this takes time and money and taxpayers hate seeing their water/wastewater bill go up. I know 68 million liters sounds like a lot but considering the water down effect of the rain and/or as in a controlled By-pass Event it would or should have been disinfected by some means.
So if a farmer has a breach of his manure storage or spreads on frozen ground a 1000 litres its not acceptable and he will be fined likely out of business but a city can release millions of litres and maybe get a slap on the wrist. I,m not advocating either example but will say liquid cow or pig poo is diluted as well. Still not acceptable.
This is common practice , nothing new. Always been and will be. It didn't state in article but it was most likely what is called primary treated , which is just dosed with chlorine and sent on down the line.
This is common practice , nothing new. Always been and will be. It didn't state in article but it was most likely what is called primary treated , which is just dosed with chlorine and sent on down the line.
Good to know @jamieharrower24 but,unfortunately,I lost my taste buds from now on for a walleye dinner.A old photo below of a walleye dinner.71C3394D-4387-4326-A52C-9A0D5A8EFE02.jpeg The walleye’s that I will catch from now on,especially on the thames river will be realeased,910BD95C-3561-48E8-9F3A-C4F6E9F93EA6.jpeg and the walleye’s will “Love Me!!” and how do you spell,”FREEDOM!!” ? ??
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Good to know @jamieharrower24 but,unfortunately,I lost my taste buds from now on for a walleye dinner.A old photo below of a walleye dinner.View attachment 20225 The walleye’s that I will catch from now on,especially on the thames river will be realeased,View attachment 20227 and the walleye’s will “Love Me!!” and how do you spell,”FREEDOM!!” ? ??

Oh come on now Red. A good cook can make anything that looks and smells like :poop: taste phenomenal. For example, take Escargot, quite unappetizing to look at, don't really smell that great, but, throw some salt pepper and garlic butter on them, melt some cheese on top and lots of people will eat it. I know, I worked in several restaurants way back when that served the damn things and for some reason, they were popular. (BUT, I'm still not one of those people that'll eat that. I'll cook it, but ain't no way you're gonna get me to eat it LOL)
I'm hearing that those brown's really put up a riggling fight in the current if you can keep em on. They have soft lips and smell awful when they cook.

I've always thought that when fighting soft lips, it's best to try not to force the issue. Just let it happen naturally, slowly. Eventually, you'll get it out, (of the water) and as for smell when cooking, see my response to Red Hering. ????
So if a farmer has a breach of his manure storage or spreads on frozen ground a 1000 litres its not acceptable and he will be fined likely out of business but a city can release millions of litres and maybe get a slap on the wrist. I,m not advocating either example but will say liquid cow or pig poo is diluted as well. Still not acceptable.
I think with the information others have given here the difference is "partially treated" waste water spillage is different than straight up pig shit & water solution flowing into our water ways. Not saying either is right or wrong just stating an observation
I can say after all the thames river fishing I & we have done (alot)...there was one time we experienced a first hand threat of ecoli bacteria in the river...that was down stream from geils bridge fishing the UWO radio tower rapids... casting rapalas catching sm bass early summer..ya thats walking the rapids with old running shoes on in up to knee high fast water walking and casting up stream. we caught plenty of bass...once we made it up to the slow water above.. and there was a terrible stench..ya ..and with shredded toilet paper and other debris floating.. and that we knew it was sewage...we packed it in and got out of there..The worst part was I started scratching red itchy skin right where the waterline was around my knees and later that day developed sore red blisters..

health unit officials monitor water samplings for ecoli bacteria on most popular beaches around the great lakes that are adjacent to creeks & rivers where municipalitys flow treated sewage downstream to the lake..beaches do get shut down with high levels..port stanley has been one of them..
ya I got swimmers ear swimming there off Mackies ice cream a few times..ya E coli bacterial infection..
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As for the farmers dilemma regarding poop out in the field ? The MOE has rules... follow them. Same as a water or wastewater treatment plant , the MOE has rules ! Follow them or suffer their wrath ! We have come a long way since Walkerton and nobody wants to have an incident like that on their watch. BTW; A lowly Plant Tech {operator} found guilty by the MOE can be liable for a $50,000 fine and/or have his/hers licence revoked which of course would mean job termination.
Solution by dilution...hey London why don't you forget about revitalizing the esthetics of the river and"dump" those taxes dollars into separating the sewers from the storm drains....that won't generate tax dollars for the city though...lets keep populating the perimeter of the great lakes that will fix the problem..invite more people here trudeau until the great lakes are full of pharmaceutical and human waste
As for the farmers dilemma regarding poop out in the field ? The MOE has rules... follow them. Same as a water or wastewater treatment plant , the MOE has rules ! Follow them or suffer their wrath ! We have come a long way since Walkerton and nobody wants to have an incident like that on their watch. BTW; A lowly Plant Tech {operator} found guilty by the MOE can be liable for a $50,000 fine and/or have his/hers licence revoked which of course would mean job termination.

Thats me....
Solution by dilution...hey London why don't you forget about revitalizing the esthetics of the river and"dump" those taxes dollars into separating the sewers from the storm drains....that won't generate tax dollars for the city though...lets keep populating the perimeter of the great lakes that will fix the problem..invite more people here trudeau until the great lakes are full of pharmaceutical and human waste
@leemo... trust me... they are getting the property tax dollars:greedy::greedy: in Londontown. I fear much of my tax money is also being dumped undiluted into the Thames. It is now safer for the homeless people to walk around the core without fear of tripping over a curb on Dundas street (and underneath Dundas, I understand the sewers were separated).
@tailfeathers I understand what the farmer has to go through for manure waste storage. My farmer is in the process of taking down an old barn which doesn’t have any waste management. But if he rebuilds on the same foot print he still doesn’t need any waste management. In his case he is going to demolish the existing barn and build a 85’ x200’ finishing beef barn. Next week there will be a nutrient study for manure storage. He may to shorten the length of the barn due distances from a well and a run off pond from a tiled field. This is his first of many hurdles for the new barn.