WFN video contest NEW MONTH


Well-Known Member
Hey guys and gals I entered a contest on WFN have a look it's a cool video of some big Lake Erie steel head jumping the waterfalls you can vote every 12 hours if you like it's for a $500 gift cert just so you know it's going to a new fish finder if I win LOL I'm way behind in votes so not likely anyways thanks for lookin .

This contest is a monthly contest so please keep voting everyone's back to zero as of 1/1/11 thanks for the support.

And don't ask were it is either LOL

Hey thanks Stomp I don't know about sharing but I will def give a demonstration of the new elite 5 DSI that I will be putting the $$$ towards You can vote every 12 hours and thanks very much to everyone that has and will vote for me I think they might even put the winner on TV :D

Hey guys Please keep voting I don't have much of a chance to win it (over 800 votes behind 1st) but I can stay in the top ten and maybe get on TV for a few minutes

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