Weed problems


Well-Known Member
I am new to this area and have never been on the Inner Bay until this morning. We are totally unfamiliar with fishing shallow weedy waters like the Bay. This forum already has been very helpful. Our experience is primarily fishing rivers with current. We launched out of Port Rowan hoping to do some exploring of the Bay. My question is this: How do you prevent the weeds from continuously wrapping around the prop of the outboard? Any replies will be appreciated. Thanks
I would recommend launching elsewhere. The inner bay is notorious for clogging props by the end of July. Try Turkey Point and go around from the other way. Booths Harbour is better as it's a bit further out the bay but can be a shorter ride out of the weeds
drive around the big mats of floating weeds , if you feel the power drop due to weeds , stop the boat and put the boat in reverse hard to clear them off.

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