Tuesday,February 15/11--Old Cut

Red Hering

Well-Known Member
R.O.C. (Radio Operator's Certificate)
A Very SLOW Day for me,out from the Old Cut.Stopped at Jimmy`s for the minnows,with about a half a dozen other Angler`s there also,waiting for Bait.I ended up moving around the Bay,all Morning,trying different water depth`s up to 7 feet deep,near the EC-10 Buoy Marker.The water was clear,wherever I was Fishing,but not even a Perch came visiting.[:(!]The only encounter that came near one of my Fishing Hole,was a Mudpuppy.I ended up Fishing till 12:00 p.m.I talked to a local Angler in the parking Lot on my way out,he also gave up for the day.He said to me,that he has never seen the Fishing this SLOW.I don`t know how the other Angler`s made out,that stayed longer,but please post your result`s,I am curious,on other Angler`s luck,if any.This has been my 5th time out this year,and I have had luck recently,on some of my previous trips.I am anxious to get back out there,before the End of this week.These fish,will have to eat sometime.It was a Gorgeous Day to be out,Fish or no Fish.8D

Nice day for a walk Red Fish. Very tough perchin at LPB this winter. Did you forget the camera?

Brian (Legend Man)
We were out fishing last thurs, fri, and sat. Altogether might have got 6 perch. It has been terrible slow lately. We were out before christmas and did amazing, ending up with 60 in an afternoon. Hopefully it's like that again before it all melts
My brother went out yesteday from St. Williams...he took home 12 jumbos, said he missed a bunch because the schools were coming in and leaving so quickly. It was his best day out this year though...hopefully this warm weather doesnt effect the ice to much over the next couple days because it seems like its picking up!
Here a photo from Tuesday
karpfarmer,Jwalsh,it also has been a hit & miss for me,most of this hard water season,but heh,it sure beats WORKING;)The ice was quite thick,& it was easy walking for me last Tues.Feb.15/11.I am gearing up to give it another go,this weekend.jumbos,I had brought the camera,but because I caught no Perch on that day,I only took some pictures of the area,but I guess I should of posted them anyways,I will the next time,Fish or no Fish.Good Luck to Everyone,PLAY SAFE.8D

Guys, please do post your pic's fish or no fish. I'm working on a composite collage of ice huts and ice fishing activity around St williams to make a nice poster as soon as I get a few more pic's of ice huts I'll be glad to post it on this board. Thanks .Huron.
Huron,as long as the Weather/Ice holds out,I am planning on Fishing again this weekend.I will post some picture`s from some of my past outing`s(Jan.30/11 & Feb.15/11--those days,I never posted no Picture`s)& also,picture`s from this weekend coming up--again weather permitting,if I get out this weekend for picture`s).8D

Thanks RH. IF possible ,given ice conditions to date, try to get some close up shots of some of the colorfull huts out there. Be Carefull! Much appreciated. Huron.
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