Thursday & Friday


Well-Known Member
Went out Thursday & was set up at 1:30..1st time outa St. Willies in a long time..Was west from light house, near outfitters huts..1st time I've seen murky water this season..Fished till 5:30 & got 8 keepers... Friday went outa old cut,to where Jimmys huts were,(clear water)..2 of us brought in 15,,& a pike...also had another very large pike on but couldn't land him...

If Cans r flyin,they will b dyin...
canslayer,it looks like I will be trying the Old Cut side through the week,because fishing from the Old Cut side,I have as of now,not ran into any murky water from that side of the Bay this year.I will be bringing also an extra stout Ice Fishing Rod,in case those very large Pike come cruising through.8D]Thank-You also for your Report.

Red.... That is the 3rd time in a row off old cut that I have had pike around...& it doesn't seem like ice fishing when you can't see to the bottom...good luck this week...

If Cans r flyin,they will b dyin...
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