The 12th Annual Thames River Clean Up will happen on April 16th. Last year 2000 volunteers cleaned up 200km of the Thames and tributaries. It is being organized in 17 communities. All gloves and garbage bags are donated by corporate sponsors. And you could win a new canoe from Nova Craft. If you like fishing in the Thames River Watershed come out and show our Canadian Heritage River some respect. We're improving the water quality, the habitat and preserving the fishery for future generations.
Check out and get involved, Thanks
Welcome to the Board.As a personel friend of yours,it is great to have you on Stomp`s Long Point Page.I have been one of the co-ordinators for the past 12 years for the Thames River Clean-Up,and I am looking forward to this years 12th Annual TRCU.Excellent job done on creating & updating your website: Lets Hope that there is going to be a good turn-out,like all the previous years,that this has been running.Good Luck also to all the Volunteers in the Clean-Up,that will also have a chance to Win a New Canoe from Nova Craft,in the Draw.It is a Win Win situation.8D
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