tagged walleye


Well-Known Member
while fishing out of port burwell today we were fortunate enough to get a walleye with a tag from its mouth with a serial # on it from Wheatley

does anyone have a number or website that can be used t report this fish.

never noticed the tag till we got home otherwise we would have released it


herefishyfishy,Congratulations on your tagged Walleye.I would call the Aylmer District(Zones 13,16,19) at 519-773-9241.Or you could also Call the Natural Resources Information Centre at 1-800-667-1940.I hope this Helps.Good Luck.

PickerelPirate,(by the way,Welcome to the Board).herefishyfishy,is talking about a tag from the Walleyes mouth that he caught.The tagged Walleye that you are mentioning are Walleyes that are Tagged with up to 2 External Tags(by the Dorsal Fin)& 1 Internal Transmitter.In the Event that you Catch & Keep one of these Tagged Walleye,there is a $100.00 Reward for reporting the Fish & Returning the Internal Transmitter.For more Information,Visit:www.glfc/telemetry/walleye Hopefully,this will Help anyone else,including myself,if there is a Walleye caught with a Tagging System Attached. Happy Angling Everyone.8D

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