stream fishing


Well-Known Member
I know the bay is good but I have never really been creek fishing down that way- browns unbelievable!!
One thing I noticed at one spot. Owner is pulling/bulldozing trees within two feet of bank. I know it is private property but will affect water temp.
Does anyone know regulations for that?
Owner is good enough not to post land but I just wonder what the regs might be.
Generally, a conservation authority (CA) would have fill regulations and alteration to waterways regulations to cover work within a floodplain. In addition, they would most likely have delegated authority from DFO for administration of the federal Fisheries Act. From your description, it sound like the work should have been reviewed/approved by a CA. In addition, the district MNR should have been informed of the work.

I would speak with the CA and district MNR about it - they may not even know about it!

PM me if you need further assistance on how to notify the above groups.

Thanks Wildeye. As I mentioned land is not posted so I'm not sure raising a stink would be productive.
I noticed you use panther martins. I have used for years in streams and had success where drifting roe failed. Travel a lot to Lebarons to get selection of size and colour. Even used them successfully on landlocked salmon in Labrador.