St. Williams Thurs. report

Fish Farmer

Well-Known Member
My son and myself was out at St. Williams, strait out across the 2 cracks about a 1/4 mile and a little west of the main trial and caught about 50, biggest was 13 1/2" My other buddy caught his limit. The Big ones swam in fast and left, you were lucky to catch one.
Fish Farmer,Nice Catch!!Those big Perch are quite fun to catch,especially when you watch them take your bait below the hole.My one problem that I have is,I set the hook on a Perch too early,thinking that it has taken the bait,but to my surprise they are very quick to spit the bait back out again.[:(!]I can`t wait to get back out there again,to give the Perch another go.Thank-You for posting your day on the Hard Water.Enjoy.8D

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