Sheepshead or fresh water drum

Interesting . Lobster, shrimp , and red wine . Three of my favourite things to consume . Part of the problem could be that I don’t think I have ever caught a sheepshead under 3 pounds. Having said that , I can’t believe people that take 3 pound bass home to eat , 13 inches is my limit and lately they seem hard to come by.
I was invited to a fish supper of bass at the in laws 1 time. Fish tasted real funny to me didn't take seconds for sure. Next day he took me fishing to his good fishing hole to catch lots of bass. First fish I catch is sheepshead so I throw it back in. Father in law says to me why you throw that back, I said it's garbage fish. He says I thought that was silver bass, that's what we had for supper last night. I just about hurled right there. Needless to say last time went there for fish dinner.
I was invited to a fish supper of bass at the in laws 1 time. Fish tasted real funny to me didn't take seconds for sure. Next day he took me fishing to his good fishing hole to catch lots of bass. First fish I catch is sheepshead so I throw it back in. Father in law says to me why you throw that back, I said it's garbage fish. He says I thought that was silver bass, that's what we had for supper last night. I just about hurled right there. Needless to say last time went there for fish dinner.
Great story @Dunnster! Got a good chuckle from this one. I guess the daughter didn't throw you back in...
I stopped by to see a friend at her parents place last August long weekend and they invited me to stay for a fish feast. The Mom and Dad are Cambodian and Japanese so a refusal would be disrespectful so I accepted. There was a large variety of fish and sea food and I sampled everything which all was delicious! When I was preparing to leave afterwards, my friend asked if I ever catch fresh water drum and do I keep them for cooking. I replied I always throw them back and never ate one before. She looked at me and smiled..."you ate some tonight". So...I guess it's all in the way one prepares the fish and as I mentioned, every thing was delicious!
With that being said, those ugly buggers still ain't boarding my boat!
My recipe for sheepshead takes about three months to prepare:
In April, catch a sheepshead, take it home, dig a hole approximately 12" deep, place fish in bottom of hole, fill hole to three inches from the top, (now here is the important part), place 4 - 6 sweet corn seeds in the hole, finish filling the hole wait 3 months harvest the corn boil till tender serve with butter and salt. Delish!
I baked one for the dogs one time. They would not eat it. If I get brave maybe I will try smoking a small one, not a big one with all of the tumors on them.