sat. report

good company with a nice feed of fish for the bonus! enjoyed a good day fishing out of old cut. 0.8 miles due north west. from 10 am to 2 pm we had two nice schools come thru and managed to catch 18 jumbos 10 inch plus. some slushy spots but travel was good.
crave fish,Thank-You also for that Report.I have not been out for a couple of weeks,(due to the snowstorms that we had gotten the last couple of weeks/winds,making traveling on foot,likely difficult)I am looking forward,for another day on the ice this week.It is good to know that the traveling out there is good,now.;)Enjoy your Fish Fry.8D

We also fished out of the cut - to the east in close as well as out by the rentals. Fishing was slow with a couple of small schools showing up - fished 8:30 - 3:00 - about 15 fish - travel on the atv pulling the hut was getting alittle bit challenging - got stuck a couple of times but nothing too serious - also talked to a couple of other travellers who found some good slush holes.

Part of the crew

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