medium pace
Three buddies have been wanted to go fishing all summer, so today was the day. We left burwell at 630, and ran straight south to 60'. Fish fired right away on 8 colour with dark spoons, and some goby coloured spoons. Fish seemed to come in patches all day, with brighter colours working better in the early afternoon. After they had their walleyes(which I didnt count right) we cranked the speed up to finish their rainbow count. 10 colours worked better after 11:00. We were packin up a little after 3. All fish came on knockouts with only two fish coming of a red and white canadian wiggler. The one nucklehead with me brought an old one, so we threw it on for old times. They still work, it was a jointed one, a real piece of nautical history. It was not a bad days fishing, but theres a foul smell in my boat smell- I gota go clean it. Be safe out there, and be fair to your fishing buddies, use the outhouse before you leave the dock!