Salty Shiners?


Well-Known Member
Is there a correct way to salt shiners for later use? I've been taking the leftovers, mixing with a half cup of course salt in a ziploc with a litte water and putting them in the freezer. They don't freeze with the high salt content. Will they keep in this state for a few months or is there another way?
Hi all.
quackers.. I have been salting my leftover Shiners with some success.
I dry them with paper towel, ( number 1 won't let me use real towels) . If it is warm out I lay them on the driveway much to the chagrin of number 1 however she is somewhat relieved that I don't use the oven anymore !!!
I then put them in a five gallon pail with a pile of course salt. Then I pick them out of the salt leaving a little before I bag them.
They last a long time and don't get soft.
I used to fish the Winnipeg River and you can buy salted shiners at convenience stores. They work real well and as cudel said, they can be better then live.
Oh yea. Don't plan on re using the salt.
Cheers, Clark
not to be a smart$$$ but are salties not allowed by not know but if not im saving lots now whooooo.:D:D
Salties are legal. Just make sure you dont go over your limit. Ive seen the CO's out a few times checking minnow counts :)

Hi all.
Just fly to Manitoba and buy them at the 7 - 11.
I apologise. I just had to say it.
I have a cheque for six grand that says they work.
Always check the regs and not the opinions of a Forum.
Cheers, Clark
Originally posted by quinner01

And that salting recipe looks good, but you guys just use pickling salt, not actual canning salt, correct?


pickling and canning salt are the exact same thing. like calling a walleye a pickeral...or is it calling a pickeral a walleye? :D
Completely legal to possess & use. They still count as part of your 120 baitfish limit.
No longer legal to sell though, so you can't go out & buy them in the bait shop in Ontario.
Still not going to take a chance yet im still thinking the are also not to be transported to different lakes as well?What is the actual limit of minnows in a possession.seem to me a scoup is a scoup.
iirc, the possession limit on minnows is 120 per angler. but, does that include dead ones or just live?
Originally posted by erie feeln

Still not going to take a chance yet im still thinking the are also not to be transported to different lakes as well?What is the actual limit of minnows in a possession.seem to me a scoup is a scoup.

Just to be clear there is no restrictions on transporting angler owned minnows (those listed in the regs. as legal baitfish) in Ontario other than to places that have a no live bait or no organic bait prohibition.
It is recommended that you don't move minnows (baitfish) from a VHS positive zone to a non VHS area, but the is no law stopping you.
The restrictions are only in place on commercial bait dealers in the movement of minnows between VHS zones.

Originally posted by ch312

iirc, the possession limit on minnows is 120 per angler. but, does that include dead ones or just live?

Correct on the 120 baitfish per angler, but this does include the dead ones.
Originally posted by quinner01

One shop does sell frozen salted minnows, and I have also heard that was illegal.


There was one place in Woodstock which use to have frozen minnows but they were not salted. They were on styrofoam trays were they could easily be counted.
I have also seen in some tackle shops bags of preserved minnows. Never had much luck with these.
I just dry them outside for half hour on paper towel then put them in ziploc bag with pickleing salt plus I put 2 sheets of paper towel in each bag,then keep in basement fridge not freezer last all perch season.
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