Originally posted by erie feeln
Still not going to take a chance yet im still thinking the are also not to be transported to different lakes as well?What is the actual limit of minnows in a possession.seem to me a scoup is a scoup.
Just to be clear there is no restrictions on transporting angler owned minnows (those listed in the regs. as legal baitfish) in Ontario other than to places that have a no live bait or no organic bait prohibition.
It is recommended that you don't move minnows (baitfish) from a VHS positive zone to a non VHS area, but the is no law stopping you.
The restrictions are only in place on commercial bait dealers in the movement of minnows between VHS zones.
Originally posted by ch312
iirc, the possession limit on minnows is 120 per angler. but, does that include dead ones or just live?
Correct on the 120 baitfish per angler, but this does include the dead ones.