Rotten Ronnies Fishing Derby

Had a great day at the derby. Saw the biggest perch ever in the winners bucket. Way too windy but fun anyways and lots of treats at the store.
As for us only caught one perch who either had a genetic defect or was Pike bait as a big gash on dorsal half of body. Also caught a huge mudpuppy. All our catch successfully released. Hope somebody posts some pictures.
Yes sir!hats off to Rotten Ronnies for hosting the Perch derby,the fish weren't there but still had a great day with great freinds.Looking forward to next years derby, con-grats to all the winners.
Wavemaster & bow_man_1_2_3, I also had an Excellent Day at the Derby,and Winning First Place was quite exciting.8DWavemaster,that Perch that you saw in the winners bucket was mine,which helped me get my total weight up to 3.40 lbs.(5 Perch total weight),with 2nd place right behind me,with a weight of 3.22 lbs.Very Close!!Third place also had a good weight.Unfortunately my memory card corrupted,and it deleted all my pictures.[:(!]( I am not big on this new technology,because it changes too much & too fast).I send Jimmy & Stef an E-mail to post the results and some Pictures from the Perch Derby,on their website,or on Stomp`s,whatever is easier for them.;)The Perch was personelly my biggest ever,(especially through the ice).She weighed in at 1.55 lbs. & measured 13 & three quarter inches.WOW !!!,not bad for an Inner Bay Hard Water Fish!.8DAfter the Derby,I realeased the jumbo Perch,plus some other females(loaded with eggs),over at The Old Cut Boat Livery,where they had an aerated system running(open water there),where they swam off,to Breed again.;).Thank-You also again to Jimmy & Stef,& also to Mary(Helper),for running this Derby.;)Also to some of the participants,that came out,and that I have met there,including the Kids,that also participated.It was probably the most Blustery Day that I ever fished in,(including White-Outs)during the Hard Water Season, and it makes me think now,that I can Fish in any NASTY BLUSTERY Conditions Again,[}:)]Thank-You Again everyone,for a FUN DAY. Tight Lines & Sharp Hooks.8D

Congrat's Red Fish on your win!!!!.....that's a true jumbo winter or summer.

Brian (Legend Man)
jumbos,A Big Thank-You for your Reply on my 1st Place Winnings8DI can`t wait till Jimmy Riggin`s post the result from the Perch Derby,plus pictures.The Jumbo Perch was quite a nice fish to see,it brought a lot of AAHH`s from the participants,that where present at the weigh in.A lot of them,have never seen a Big Perch like this before,I was quite amazed myself,when I brought it up through the ice hole,that day.8D

Originally posted by Red Hering

jumbos,A Big Thank-You for your Reply on my 1st Place Winnings8DI can`t wait till Jimmy Riggin`s post the result from the Perch Derby,plus pictures.The Jumbo Perch was quite a nice fish to see,it brought a lot of AAHH`s from the participants,that where present at the weigh in.A lot of them,have never seen a Big Perch like this before,I was quite amazed myself,when I brought it up through the ice hole,that day.8D


hey way to go red fish its called karma all that driving and all that walking its going to pay off now then thats why we do what we do congrats
Hi all.
I just want to see the picture of the fatty.
Good on Ya Red Hering.
I can't believe the weather you fished in. Wow.
Cheers, Clark
Hey Red Herring...I just want to say congrats again on your win this past weekend. I was the guy that took third place with 2.86lbs...your perch sure was a beauty...St. Williams really "Paid" off for us this weekend!

Justin Walsh
Jwalsh,nice to have met you also in the Winners Circle.;)Congratulations on your 3rd place Finish.Not a bad weight at all,for the 5 Perch,(2.86 lbs.)that you caught,considering the Blustery & sometime Whiteout condition,that we and others,encountered that Day,but ended up fishing in.Yes,St. Williams really $$ PAID $$ off for us,last weekened.I can`t wait like yourselve & others,(Walleye reply-I just want to see the picture of the fatty),everyone is anxious,to see the picture`s soon from Rotten Ronnie` website,under Derby Results,whenever they get a chance to post the results.It was my first time fishing St. Williams this year.All my other 5 times out this year,came from the Old Cut,where I have had success,here & there.It looks like winter is still hanging on for the Hard Water Anglers.Thanks also from all the other postings,on my 1st Place Winning.Much Appreciated;)Good Luck,to everyone on their next outing.8D

First class Red Fish. Releasing the winning fish.
Wish I could have headed down with you and saw how
you did it. Without all that walking though.
I'll call you if I can get away.Save some of those
fatties for when I can retire too.
Congratulations on the derby win Red. I claimed the second prize with a 3.22 lb. weight. I am also looking forward to seeing the image of "The big one". It was way too blustery to even think about getting a camera out on derby day. You reminded me of a kid with a brand new toy with that 14 incher at weigh in......and rightly so. You should be proud. Thanks Steph for the cookies and hot chocolate. Looking forward to the derby pics.
