Report for Mar 2


Well-Known Member
Hi all.
Number One and I were set up and fishing with a scoop of Jimmy's finest by 11:00. We were straight out of the Old Cut 1 km. From 11:00 until 13:00 we had one keeper and 4 pewnsters so we moved out to 1.3 km where all the huts were gathered on the weekend.
The bite was very lite and the bobbers would just drift slowly around the hole. As time progressed the bite got more frequent and more obvious. 15:30 and it started to come on strong. We had to leave at 16:30 but the bite was still on.
The water was murky and the current kept changing. We deadsticked Bobbers with the minnows spit in half on modified Pickeral Rigs. I tried jigging a couple of times with no luck.


We kept 20 fish, the smallest 9 inches and Number One got a 13.5 incher but most were right on 10 inches. We threw back so many 8 inchers it was silly. I can't tell you how many fish we caught and I can't even guess. We were down to a handfull of minnows when we left.
It was a great day on the Bay.
Cheers, Clark
Hey Walleye.......looks like number one and you had a great day on the bay , thanks for the report , plan on getting down tomorrow for most likely the last outing of the season on the bay as next week we head for Nipissing for some pickel.........apps
Nice perch.I like Number Ones matching gloves:D

Big Rod
WOW!! Nice size Perch!! Congratulations!! If your Number One would of caught a couple more of those,she would of beaten me out of 1st place,at the Rotten Ronnie`s 3rd Annual Perch Ice Fishing Derby held this past February 19th,2011.8DIt definetly sounds like,you both had a great day on the Bay.Enjoy your Fish Fry.8D

Awesome catch! How was the ice holding up when you were out? Hoping to get out on Friday if the rain holds off.
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