Report for Feb 26 St. Willy`s


Well-Known Member
Hi all.
Number One and I headed down to St. Willy`s and were set up with one scoop of Sherman`s best by about 15:00.
We went west along the Ice Ridge and stayed until 16:00 with no fish seen in the clear water.
We moved straight out in front of the Launch on the other side of the Ice Ridge. We got three tiny Perch before 17:30 but did see a monster Bass cruising around. There was much moaning and groaning about how bad the fishing was and then Number One told me to stop.
We got one keeper and four big Bluegill by 18:00. At 18:15 Number One yanked 2 12 inchers and that was the day.
Word on the Ice was that it was not a good day.
Old Cut tomorrow.
Cheers, Clark
Thanks for the report Walleye. Was wondering how Old Cut did today? Was out there on last Sunday and it was good, and thinking about heading down tomorrow with my boy again....

AHHH The Fishin Life!
Walleye,Thanks also for reporting your day with Number One Today.Wow,but I can`t believe though,on how SLOW the bite is on the Bay,from some of the reports that I have read.Well,good luck tomorrow out from the Old Cut,Jimmy`s Finest Minnows,might give you that extra bit of luck,to make it a better day of Fishing.I am waiting till through the week,to head out onto the Bay.lookin4fish,good luck also to you & your boy if you are thinking about heading down tomorrow.

Fished Old Cut 12:00 - 4:00 - past jimmy's towards EC 10. No pike seen and just a few perch. Fished near my buddy's hut - he did well on thurs there. Hoping Sunday will be a killer day[:eek:)]
Looks like next week is going to get messy!

1 seasoned and 2 newbie icefishing people

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