Report for 23 Feb


Well-Known Member
Hi all.
I got out at about 11:30 and fished til 17:45. I fished the same spot as Monday .8 km out of Old Cut. I had a big one take the bait right away but I ripped it right out of it's mouth. I missed another good one minutes later and that was the end of it so I moved a little further out. At 13:50 I had a small flurry and kept four good ones. Then it died and I only kept one more. So. 28 fish and 5 keepers, no jumbos. I even did the unthinkable and jigged, It made me feel dirty.
There were some others around me that did about the same and then there was one guy that got a limit about 100 yards away from me but I can't speak about the size.
The weather was awesome and if I am going to have a tough day this was the one.
I should be out for the next four days and St. Willy's is on the radar.
Cheers, Clark
Thanks Again Walleye for the update.;)You sure did have a gorgeous day today,and I was kicking myself for not taking advantage of it,by Fishing it.I get real edgey when I am not Fishing,and the Family knows,and they tend to give me my space.LOL I was out camera hunting today,and also checked out some local Tackle Store`s for ice fishing tackle clearance sale.Not that I need any more Tackle,last Saturday after the Perch Derby at Rotten Ronnie`s,I bought some of their Tackle,that they where clearing out,I ended up getting some good deals there.I am planning on going to the London Boat/Fishing Show also,for hopefully some deals.I will be Fishing real soon.8DGood Luck on your next outing.

[:o)] I even did the unthinkable and jigged, It made me feel true minnow dunker. Tough fishing Walleye, but it won't be too long before we can all get the boats out and get into some good perchin;).

Brian (Legend Man)
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