Question For North Erie Marina


Well-Known Member
I've heard, and read, so many good things about your business. Was wondering how much of a run it is (on average) to decent perch grounds. My boat is only a 14 fter with a 15 hp, so have to pick my days as far as wind is concerned.
Usually just do our "perchin" at the Inner Bay in Long Point, but, would love to try some new water!

From North Erie you just go out of the main channel pick your direction and go......lots of smaller boats have been out there......might be a 5 to ten min ride once you are out of the channel......perching has been good in 17-25 fow.......hope this far as North Erie goes they are by far the best launch service that I have ever used
Jeff (reelaxation)
Originally posted by CJAM

From North Erie you just go out of the main channel pick your direction and go......lots of smaller boats have been out there......might be a 5 to ten min ride once you are out of the channel......perching has been good in 17-25 fow.......hope this far as North Erie goes they are by far the best launch service that I have ever used
Jeff (reelaxation)

Thanks for the info Jeff! Will just have to keep my eyes on the wind conditions for the day we pick.
Hey Frankie!

Ya just watch the weather on the winds and you should be fine. They are catching perch right off the beach and pier so you don't have to go far. On average I'd say 17-30ft of water is where they are catching them.

We sell bait right here on the launch ramp and have a new Minnow Guarantee, if we don't have minnows the ramp is free!

Hope to see you out here one day soon!

Greg & Sam @
North Erie Marina
Originally posted by NorthErieMarina

Hey Frankie!

Ya just watch the weather on the winds and you should be fine. They are catching perch right off the beach and pier so you don't have to go far. On average I'd say 17-30ft of water is where they are catching them.

We sell bait right here on the launch ramp and have a new Minnow Guarantee, if we don't have minnows the ramp is free!

Hope to see you out here one day soon!

That's great. Thanks for the info, much appreciated.

Greg & Sam @
North Erie Marina

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