Well-Known Member
With it being a P.A. day at school, the kids and I, along with gramma and papa went out for some perch. Stopped at Rotten Ronnies and got two scoops of Jimmy's finest and was off to pottahawk at a very late time of 10:00am. Got set up about 10:30 and started the process of baiting,casting and unhooking perch, all the time trying to hook a few myself. Gramma handled unhooking my son's fish and I did the unhooking and baiting of my daughters. Fished for a few hours untill the minnows were gone and kept 80 perch. I have to say the two little monkey's did most of the catching, and were worn out by some of these jumbo's. I did however manage to get a few nice ones.
Here's the two monkey's with some of their catch.
And here's the YUM YUM shot.
Brian (Legend Man)

Here's the two monkey's with some of their catch.

And here's the YUM YUM shot.

Brian (Legend Man)