Fishing Report Port Glasgow Friday night


Well-Known Member
My son and I went out of Port Glasgow last night around 6 pm. Two lead core lines at 63'. Didn't even get the first one all the way out before I had a hit. Just a silver bass but a big one. But the walleye weren't far behind. I kept trying to deploy a third line on a jet diver but every time I went to put it in the water one of the rods would go off.

We ended up catching a lot of silvers but got a 1 man limit of pickerel pretty quickly. I discovered that my son had left his fishing license at home so we left it at that.

Got a 4 pounder on a greasy chicken wing but the hot ticket was the white spoons with pink and yellow. No idea what they're called.

We were trolling fairly slowly at about 2 miles per hour speed over ground or just under.

Ripplin Redfin silver and blue did well too.
Proper “Queens” or British English is “forgot”. Forgotten is an American derivation .
Let me rephrase my original post
Did you know he had left his license at home before you tried to illegally deploy the third line?
I didn't even get my hard copy fishing liscence this year....that's not gonna stop me from going and taking home my 6 eyes tomorrow ;) I've bought and paid for the liscence and they can check their computer if necessary