Well-Known Member
No that is not a typo error
Two of us were down there from 4:00-7:30. Knew it was going to be rough but not THAT rough. Lake was really dirty and churned up, wind never let up the whole time except for a few minutes after 7 when it changed direction and picked up speed.
Lost my cap to the wind (managed to resuce it), partner was having equipment malfunctions--pickerel rigs tangling, broke the tip on his rod. Found out that retying braid line in near gale conditions is NOT a fun excercise.
Anyway we did get fish---TWO (yellow) perch---mine was bigger. Alex picked off a couple white perch and a couple sheepies as well.
Were a few more sheepies caught by a couple of other people late in the day just when you might have thougjht nothing was going to happen.
BTW not one of the locals was there---to which I might add: you should have been here-----
Two of us were down there from 4:00-7:30. Knew it was going to be rough but not THAT rough. Lake was really dirty and churned up, wind never let up the whole time except for a few minutes after 7 when it changed direction and picked up speed.
Lost my cap to the wind (managed to resuce it), partner was having equipment malfunctions--pickerel rigs tangling, broke the tip on his rod. Found out that retying braid line in near gale conditions is NOT a fun excercise.
Anyway we did get fish---TWO (yellow) perch---mine was bigger. Alex picked off a couple white perch and a couple sheepies as well.
Were a few more sheepies caught by a couple of other people late in the day just when you might have thougjht nothing was going to happen.
BTW not one of the locals was there---to which I might add: you should have been here-----