Port Burwell

misty river

Well-Known Member
I was hoping to get the boat out to Port Burwell perch fishing this weekend and I was wondering if anyone has been out there yet ?
if so any luck ?

thanks in advance
I was at Pt. Bruce this morning and nothing was happening on the pier, however I spoke with a couple of guys who said they had gotten 50 or 60 one day last week in 30f.o.w. A few guys around the marina also said they saw a couple of guys come in with some last week. All a good size.Last couple of days been too rough.The commercial guys have there nets ab out 4 miles west of Bruce running from about 10 feet out.:)
how was the river at bruce , has the rain made it a mess? anyone catching bait near the peir. sounds like 30 to 32 feet might be the game plan for the weekend.
I was at both bruce and burwell last night for a drive.

both rivers are milky to say the least.

I dipped at burwell and got a dozen minnows but took a long time..lol

Got some smelts while dipping at Bruce.

Hope to try for perch out of burwell tomorrow afternoon.

good luck all

Originally posted by herefishyfishy

I was at both bruce and burwell last night for a drive.

both rivers are milky to say the least.

I dipped at burwell and got a dozen minnows but took a long time..lol

Got some smelts while dipping at Bruce.

Hope to try for perch out of burwell tomorrow afternoon.

good luck all


Let us know how ya do I can't decide between burwell or the bay


I would like to thank Denali custom rods, The Rod Glove and Live Eye Jigs for their support
Minnow catching was slow at Port Bruce today. Did manage a big carp in my net though, proabably around 20 lbs. Seen a few white perch caught, but no yellows.

heading to Burwell tomorrow around noon with herefishyfishy, hope to find some good numbers, will let you know how we make out
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