port bruce trolling


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have any info on trolling out of port bruce. I bought some riggers and dipsy a while ago and have never used them and am planning on finially doing that tommorrow if weather holds off. Am I to late in the year or to early for eyes? I know there are a few rainbows kicking around too. Any help or ideas would be apreciated thanks

A bad days fishing better than good days work.
I think its a little early for trolling at this end of the lake yet most guys are fishing perch .
I think your best bet for trolling would be down around Kingsville or Colchester, and not far from shore either.
It's an awfully strange spring so far, so it'll be a while yet for Burwell and Bruce. But then you never know unless you try, right?
Hey, it beats sitting at home lookin at the "honey do" list.
Ok thanks I was thinking that too its kinda early for eyes but late for bows we are going out plenty early so we will troll for a hour or so and then head in for perch

A bad days fishing better than good days work.
It's kinda early for both bows and eyes. Your more likely to find bows right now, start relatively shallow and find the warm water and you may get lucky. Keep a close eye out for fish feeding on the surface, they will be VERY close to the surface this time of year.

spent past week at colchester --- weather wasnt good neither were fish ---- got some pics at sisters but others did very well at holiday beach

spoke to jim flemming who said the fish went right thru to burwell

seems like a chase and fiind year guys
Ok thanks. im a real noob for trolling on erie. And only did it with dad and he took care of navigation and setup in mostly meaford.

A bad days fishing better than good days work.
Never hurts to try kegman as a matter of fact im going to try tuesday morn for a few hours weather permitting. ill pm you if i get any luck.

will hunt for food
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