port bruce pier friday


Well-Known Member
hey packrat looks like you had fairly good day thursday friday was not as good caught 6 fish all throw backs there was the odd good one off the end of pier wife got skunked HA HA may go back in the mornning. let you know how things went.
Hey giller sorry to hear your wife got skunked:D

As for Thursday really lucked out on that one----even I can get it right ------------sometimes:P

Good luck, would like to hear how you do if you go down again.

Originally posted by wildeye rainbow

Hey Giller/Packrat,

Is anyone netting any minnows in the channel? I just have one small stash of salties left.


Couple people trying to dip minnows Thursday---nothing. Doesnt mean they werent around--perch came into the cooler water at the end looking for feed.

Hey Giller, Looks like my perch season is over,gotta drive the kid to Mississauga 3 times a week for pre tryout camp then every Sat, Sun morning for 6 Am shooting drill for 3 hrs. Fun fishing with you and the wife though. See ya next year.
not a minnow to be had on friday,hey hockeydad ya see you next season or maybe run into at Bayfield lot of guys that fish Bruce end up at Bayfield for bows.
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