Perchin Thurs



Slow bite for me today.Brought home a few for supper though.I did catch my second 14 incher this season today...what a pig

There is still bad spots all over so be carefull out there
Hey dontgetcaught
Sounds better than a good day at work! :) Where were you fishing and how was the ice.
If the snow holds out I am walking out on Saturday. I need the exercise. It is suppose to be a little milder but snow……
Fresh batteries in the GPS and a Compass in every pocket.
Does anybody use their FRS radios out there anymore? I haven’t been out for a few years and that used to work pretty well to get you on some fish.
Thanks for sharing the report.

ArgO NuT
Dontgetcaught,Hello myself and another angler I was talking with,both saw your 14 inch Perch after you had just caught it.It was definetly a Trophy for a Perch.Nice to have talked to you also before you left your fishing spot. Good Fishing.8D

Originally posted by Argo Nut

Hey dontgetcaught
Sounds better than a good day at work! :) Where were you fishing and how was the ice.
If the snow holds out I am walking out on Saturday. I need the exercise. It is suppose to be a little milder but snow……
Fresh batteries in the GPS and a Compass in every pocket.
Does anybody use their FRS radios out there anymore? I haven’t been out for a few years and that used to work pretty well to get you on some fish.
Thanks for sharing the report.

ArgO NuT

Yes,def better than a day at work:D
The ice was generally good,I moved 3 times before i found some active fish north of the pack ,ice is thinner(4in) north of Jimmys huts.6 inches of ice was the norm.There IS still bad ice out there so be carefull
Originally posted by Red Hering

Dontgetcaught,Hello myself and another angler I was talking with,both saw your 14 inch Perch after you had just caught it.It was definetly a Trophy for a Perch.Nice to have talked to you also before you left your fishing spot. Good Fishing.8D


It was great to meet you guys out there 8D
argo -nut check saturday weather i see 80 percent snow and 35 klm winds out of south. ifished old cut thursday came home 6 fish.
Nice work Dontgetcaught. I like the pictures you took. Please keep posting those kind of pic's. Huron.
I hate to say it but....maybe Sunday?[V]
Looks like 30 k SSW winds and that means poor visibility whether it is snowing or not. Sunday is looking better....:)
Anybody know if Lake Erie Bait has any minnows on this side of the bay?

ArgO NuT
Congrats on the 14 incher:D

Big Rod
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