Perchin Saturday

Jimmy Riggin

Well-Known Member
4 of us went out on Saturday got 200 nice perch. I was using minnows but my buddies only use scud bugs and spider ants, they did just as good as I was. I would say the average fish was around 10" with some real hogs in the mix to.



Jimmy Carroll
Jimmy Riggin' Fishing Charters
Yes we have deer licences.
Please note we will be closed on Friday November 19th!


Jimmy Carroll
Jimmy Riggin' Fishing Charters
Great catch Jimmy!!!! How deep were you fishing, cause I think I see a perch the the cooler trying to blow a bubble;).

Brian (Legend Man)
You can get spider ants and scud bugs at Rotten Ronnie's, and those perch were caught in 13' of water. I use spider ants and scud bugs all winter for blue gill and crappie I never thought of using them for perch on open water, but they are going to be used on my charter next June for perch.


Jimmy Carroll
Jimmy Riggin' Fishing Charters
Hey Jimmy, would you use them for perch also for ice fishing?

If so, I may have to get you to mail me an assortment.
That was the only time that I had used them. When the Perch bite is off in the winter I have had good luck on them. I use them allot for crappie and blue gill to.


Jimmy Carroll
Jimmy Riggin' Fishing Charters
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