Well-Known Member
Well the three of us left home about 10:30, just as the fog was burning off. When we got to the causway at LPB the fog was thick as pea soup, but we figured it wouldn't be long before it was gone on the bay. Stopped bye at Rotten Ronnies and got a good scoop of minnows from Jimmy and we were off to the ramp at Old Cut. Took our time going out as the fog was not letting up, made our way to an waypoint that I have just off the weed bed with only the gps as a guide. Wasn't exactly thrilled about going out that way but we were sure this fog wouldn't last, wrong, it never did get any better. Fished for a couple hours in that general area, but with the fog holding steady we were unwilling to venture much farther. We got into small schools of decent perch and did what we could with them. Kept 27 nice size perch from 8-12" and probably through back about the same. Been a long summer of steady work and it was great to get some R&R time in, the fish in the cooler is an added bonus.
Brian (Legend Man)

Brian (Legend Man)