Parking Wars Pt Bruce


Well-Known Member
Just a note of support for Greg at North Erie Marina. Was out on Sunday with some guys from work and he set us up with 3 scoops and we were off. Noticed a lot of guys out and parking is a challenge there. When we got back he had a petition to for patrons to sign and said neighbours are complaining about people parking everywhere. I noticed how attentive he was with the minnows and the launch, he even guided me to where to park and gave me a lift to my boat.

I just think the customer service bar just took a quantum leap higher and people who can't meet that new standard will be left in the dust.

Great work Greg, I'll be back to see you soon
You guys are right ....have launched from North Erie all season and won't go anywhere else.......the other fellows with businesses down there should quit their business if they can not compete.
Greg and Sam have taken the launch to a whole new level.....Keep up the Great service guys and anyone who has launched there is behind you and supporting you.....Nice work North Erie
i've never been to a launch that had service like this !! definitely recommend to anyone.
I must agree!!! I go to Greg all the time & his service is A-ONE bar none!! Maybe that crusty old PR should change his attitude & he might get a little bit of bussiness. Hey Greg you didn't say anything about a petition & the wife & I would have signed it for sure!!! Keep up the good work!!
Greg should buy that Gouger out. Greg would still have enough buisness there to operate 2 marinas by the customer service He provides. Great job....
Thanks to everyone for their support! We always knew we had great customers, and now you are all proving it by sticking behind us at this time. We again will have lots of parking this weekend thanks to our great neighbors and community support. Thanks everyone for your kind words and encouragement!!

We just got a huge shipment of minnows in so we should be ready to go for the long weekend. Happy fishing all....

Greg & Sam @
North Erie Marina
Greg and Sam
Making my way down on friday . Looking forward to that great service and can't wait to sign the petition . Keep up the fight we are all behind you .
Might make it down Friday afternoon/evening as well. Greg and Sam, looking forward to experiencing the customer service you are offering first hand.
How is the perching this week? Been pretty windy, hoping for a calmer day Friday.
I have used northerie marina in the past they go out of their way to provide SERVICE not just take your money out of an envelope
I will be launching at north erie in search of eyes and bows on friday morning.

looking forward to my first experience at this location!

hope the fish cooperate.

see ya on the water

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