Made my favourite peeps happy.

I went on a fly-in trip a few years ago and we way over estimated the food we needed to bring up with us. At the end of the week I asked the owner of the camp if he wanted the steaks and other frozen meats we had. He said sure bring the stuff to the main cottage and he'd put in his big chess freezer. Well I get there and the freezer is all but full. There was everything in it; from deer, moose, bear; you name it and there was some in that freezer. The owner then tells me that a lot of people bring to much food and during hunting season his guest can still only have 50lbs of weight to take with them for the return flight. He goes on to tell me that about 30 miles up river, there's a small Indian community. At the end of the season he takes all the food to the community and divvies it up with all the elder's. I thought wow what a great way to give back to the people on the reserve. His hunt and fishing camp is located on the same reserve.

Love this. See always nice people our there. Thanks for giving back as well.
Thats a great thing you do for those people, on so many levels. Thankyou.
Fish frys have been a regular thing with us for many years. We always invite some our parents friends who dont get out any more (mostly 80 plus yrs old) and they really enjoy it. There are a couple of 80+ guys that I a call up a couple times a summer to go with me when its not too bumpy and they still love getting out and taking some fish home to eat.
On Friday afternoon our sons were heading off to points north with a bunch of friends (19-24 yr olds) to go rock crawling with their modified jeeps. I had pulled some fish out of the freezer for dinner for my wife and I and was cooking it on the deck on my Camp Chef as they were assembling to leave. It was some of last years slightly freezer burned pike but I figured it was time to get eaten it up to make room for some fresh stuff arriving this season. Of course I offered it around to the crew, many of them who said, "I dont eat fish much or I don't like fish much, but I'll try some" Everyone praised it, saying things like "I'm not a big fish eater, but this is awesome" etc. (I know I am preaching to the choir here when talking about properly prepared freshwater fish...) One of the guys said, "Did you catch this? This is amazing, what do you do with it?" I showed him my grill, spices etc and ended up taking him into the house and showing him our stash in the freezer and told him, these are all walleye filets, and they are even better than that pike you tried. "Wow! I gotta start fishing!" he says. "Can I have some more?" (So much for our leftovers!) Before the summer is over, we will host a fish fry/venison/bear bbq with an emphasis on getting our sons friends out for it. So many kids the same age as my sons have never gone fishing or hunting and we need to keep introducing them to fishing and hunting and encouraging them to come out and join us. Teenagers and young adults are eating machines, so tasty wild treats are a great way to get their attention and spark some interest. Heading for Burwell on Monday AM, leaving Thorndale at 5AM. Red Striped Sylvan. Will post a report.