Longpoint light house

I had to go back and look -- compare the tails. Squared off v.s V shaped. Get me to Trout v.s Salmon. Then yes colour inside mouth. - Never knew about the black finns. Appreciated @Josh Roelofsen
Ya good day for us out of Nanticoke 6 bows 4 walleye and lost about 4 bows and 2 walleye . Spoons on dipsys . All fish caught on port side , no idea why.
Fished the point on Sunday morning 8 - 11am. Started in 85 ', two walleye and two rainbows in the first hour then for some reason shut us down. Went back and forth between 85 and 110. Nascar on rigger 45 ' seemed to be the original ticket but tried everything after with little reward. Still a beauty day.
I absolutely love this. LOL

From a picture no less, I struggle in person. 🌻
Cohos have forked tails. Bows have more of a curved tail. If I recall correctly, lake trout are the only native trout with forked tails. Splake as well, but they're a lake trout hybrid
20# leaders and a relatively light drag.

Barely keeps the dipsy from pulling out line click by click around 3.0 mph on the graph.

If the fish want to pull out some line during the fight, no worries, makes it more fun. 🌻
I had the same setup, just with 10lb. Drag would click every 10 or so seconds. The fish initially peeled about 30ft of line out. I gave it a little hook set and felt the dipsy pop. Reeled in another 50 or so feet while feeling a couple more good thumps on the line and it suddenly went light. Realized I lost the spoon and about a foot of the lead. I'll definitely try again with 20lb this time. Didn't think I'd need it as I lost a bigger one flat lining 10lb fluoro a few weeks ago and that one managed to straighten out 2 cheap treble I forgot to replace. First time out with dipsys so I figured I'd try to pick up some tips