london fishing show


Well-Known Member
Anyone out there been to this show? Wondering if it's as good as the Sportsman Show in TO.
fshrgrl,I was at the Show today,but you can not compare these Shows together,because of the shear size of the Toronto Sportsmen Show,(it takes me about 8 hours to walk through it)which I usually go to also mostly every year.I did like the Show here in London Today,I talked to some very interesting Saleman about different Tackle & actually learned a little more on certain techniques on catching fish like Bass.There where also some good deals again,and I had a good time Today.;)Enjoy the Show,if you are planning on going.

I went today - only about 4 real tackle shops - prices weren't all that great. seems to be on the decline again - 2-3 years ago about 8-10 shops had good tackle displays. Can do just as well locally without the added gas $$ and $10 admission.
fshrgrl,save the gas money for those Fishing Trips,which you will likely do like myself,throughout the season,and those trips will cost enough,especially if the gas is suppose to go up to 1.50 a litre,by summer,anything to ruin the Fun.[:(!]

fshrgrl my wife and i have gone to finlayson park at temagami the last 4 years and are going again this year the last 2 weeks of july.we target walleye and lake trout and do quite well.what a beautifull lake.what do you target and are you camping or have a cottage?KITCH
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