Launching on Hastings


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys,

I am interested in launching my boat on hastings if at all possible so I can park it out behind the cottage for the weekend. I know there are a lot of privately owned places on hastings and I don't want to trespass on anybody's property. I have heard guys talk about crown land on hastings and was wondering if anyone could give me specifics as to exactly where it is? I could drive around the point but this hastings idea just seems so much easier...



People are like hooks, some are just sharper than others...

The only way I know is to carry the boat across the beach.There is no boat launch that I know of.How big is your boat,Didn't sound like you could carry it

even the guys with ramps are having a hard time, sand is shifting and bars are moving in. I am launching burwell friday morn and leaving mine out
Thanks for the info guys. My boat is definitely too big to carry (17-1/2 ft). I usually use my 14 ft out back but would prefer my bigger boat. How far is the run from burwell?


Wishin' I was Fishin'

Thats not bad at all . Big Dave do you have a blue and white boat with a merc on it? I've seen one like that anchored by the beach a bunch of times this year


Wishin' I was Fishin'

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