Lake Simcoe


Well-Known Member
Drove up to Lake Simcoe today. Lot's of huts out and also cars and trucks! 16 - 18 inches of ice but very slushy on top. Hoping to get out tommorrow for pickeral or maybe some whitefish. Conditions are still ok up here and probably will be for another two weeks. Cheers everyone![:X]
Thanks for posting conditions up there fshgrl. Your almost certain to get a whitefish or two. Was up there two weeks ago for perch but didn't get many. Fished off from Pefferlaw. Huron.
fshrgrl,Thank-You also for the report.I fished Lake Simcoe last year around this time of year,(from Innisfil Beach),and I really enjoyed the day on the ice.I was fishing in 88 feet of water at the time,(near Fox Island),searching for Whitefish & Lakers.Too bad the whitefish & Lake Trout season will close at Midnight on March 15/11.,on Lake Simcoe,the Bite will be just starting up.(Conservation 1st-;)).Last ice is usually one of the Best Bites for a lot of Species.It is good to hear that there is lots of ice,(16 - 18 inches),and the Perch should be Hungry.Good Luck,on your next outing.8D

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