Off Topic Inner Bay

Red Fisher

Well-Known Member
R.O.C. (Radio Operator's Certificate)
What was in the inner bay yesterday, looked like part the swamp out there !!
This high water is destroying prime fish habitat in the bay, I winter in Florida and high water along with winds has contributed to hurting lake Okeechobee. The outside hard grass edge in the inner bay is a fraction of what it should and used to be.
One of these wind events/storms is going to make Long Point a island again. Bits of marsh have been breaking away for a while now
It's just a matter of time that there will be a "New Old Cut". For those that remember the storm on December 5th 1985 and what happened to Hastings Ave. cottages. We couldn't use the Causeway to leave The Point. because it was under water. When the storm abated they had to use snowplows to get the muck off the road. "The Cut" actually happened twice since settlers moved into the area. Once in the 1830's and again in the 1860's so my money is on Mother Nature to have a fit one day and take it out on Long Point. Too bad that hunk of marsh didn't hang up on Pottahawk like the one in 85 did.