Inner Bay Smallmouth Bass-June 30,2011

Red Hering

Well-Known Member
R.O.C. (Radio Operator's Certificate)
Myself,my daughter & her boyfriend had an Excellent day on the Inner Bay catching Smallmouth Bass.We started Fishing by the EC5 Buoy Marker & drifted towards EC3 Buoy Marker,and it was steady action.Leeches caught most of the Bass,the minnows did not seem to work.My daughter noticed schools of minnows swimming around in the Bay,so obviously,there was just too much of those present for food.Her boyfriend caught 2 Huge Bass,1 Bass measured 20 inches,at 4.5 lbs.,another Bass weight,4.4 lbs.,at 19 3/4 inches.He was quite delighted,and has never caught Bass this Big before.He is itching for me to take him out again real soon.I will post some photo`s later,we arrived back to town quite late,and the pictures were taking on my daughters camera.She has gone camping for the rest of the weekend.Enjoy the Bass Fishing.8D

Heres the pictures as promised of the BIG Bass Caught by my daughters boyfriend. Hooked for life

[Hooked the Big One!/red]


Nice Fish!


Daughters Fish 3.35lbs

Mike didn't realize until too late that he was the sheild in this boat

On the way to millionaires island he figured out a way to beat the waves

Haha, Leeches worked awesome and they remain till the last sucker

Great catch!!

[red]This will likely be my last days fishing for bass but great times and looking forward to some downrigging down in Port Bruce Area. See you on the Big Water 8D

Looks like a great day Red. Thx for the great photos and report! Good luck on the lake side!
Thanks stomp & jumbos.It was an awesome day on the Bay.I am hoping to see both of you and other`s on the Big Lake soon,likely next week.I still have a couple more dates with the Smallmouth Bass,in the Inner Bay,they are hard to let go--LOL.Good Luck To Everyone,On Your Fishing Adventure`s.8D

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