canslayer,simps is right about the rain,there was a lot of it over the last weekend,plus milder above zero temperatures,for a couple of days.For that reason I have not been out either,(Safety First),even though I was still itching to get out one more time,(I have not been out since March 1/11).But because no one was sending in any reports of their day on the ice,I assumed that the Hard Water Season was over.If Long Point Bay was not 115 kilometers away one way,plus the gas at 123.4 a liter,I would of taken the time,and had a look for myself(with tackle in Hand),to see personelly,on how the conditions were.Check out then check under ice conditions,he has an updated report from today on the ice condtion & the fishing.His report sounded so good,that it almost made me pull out my ice fishing tackle from storage again,(and put the Steelhead Rods away-LOL),but he also mentioned about bringing ice picks,so be SAFE.It would of been nice if one of the angler that did go out Today,(apparently,some have gotten their limits)did send in a report of their day on the ice.Hope this helps you.Good Luck,If you get out.