Ice Fishin EC10 Thursday

Fisher Price

Well-Known Member
Well we took the time this morning to trek all the way out to EC10 with the new ice hut. We caught 20 or so fish and all were nice size. There was one perch that had to be 14+ inches that actually broke my fishing line. All in all not a bad day. Talkin to guys on the way back in, seems like the fishining was about the same just off St Williams. 8 to 11 inches of ice at the three location we drilled.

Thanks for the update,Fisher Price,I saw the one lonely Hut sitting there southeast of the EC 10,and I was tempted to walk the rest of the way to it,(last Wednesday)from where I finally stopped to fish.I know that there is good depth & weedbeds there being by the main Boat Channel.It is also one of my favourite spots for Bass/Pike during the open water season.8D

Does anyone know if its faster to get to EC10 from old cut or St. Williams? Thanks Adrian

AHHH The Fishin Life!
Old cut to ec-10 is 2.6 miles
St. Williams to ec-10 is 3.5 miles
Both ways are still a long ways out!!!

Brian (Legend Man)
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