I would like to introduce you all to our new fishing partner


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

My wife and I would like to introduce you all to our new grandson Odin! Born this morning at 8:25 am coming in at a whopping 8 lbs 12 oz! The new Mom and Dad are tuckered out but doing great and are just beaming with pride as well as the new grandparents!

A lot of of you know these 2 as they are part of my fishing crew and our middle daughter!

Mom & Dad and the little one!

Grandma with the little one!

Aunt Maggy and the little one!

Grandpa and his newest crew member!

I just had to get him his first fishin rod! Get him brought up right! LOL
Congrats Rick and family !!! everyone looks to be doing well ! I suppose it will be a year or so before we see the new addition down at Port Bruce or out in deep water lol.............apps
Very happy for you and your family. Start putting away a few dollars for his college education in some practical job . Forget about basket weaving 101 in university! Buy a few lottery tickets along the way, it might help pay the tuition fees at school. Sincerely Huron.
Thank you all! As we enjoy him today, I still can't wait to get him in the boat and get him out fishing! and neither can his mother! ahahahah!

Lovin it!