

Well-Known Member
You going to be on the beach tomorrow morning???

Planning on the pier early---south wind they're forecasting "might" be a turn on.

Drop by and say hello if you're there----guy in red folding chair--Peters Tackle cap


Didnt see one perch caught this morning. Nobody even fishing the beach. A few sheephead and that was it. Good luck tomorrow

Thanks for the heads up Quinner

It was also a south / south east wind today, so tomorrows south wind probably wont turn things around too much. Not at 25kms.

But everyday is different from the next.

Didnt go and saved my gas for another day.

Wasnt getting a warm fuzzy feeling about cons down that way

I went sheephead only fished the harbour, one guy only on the there saturday may have to fish harbour again calling north/west wind 25 klicks
Originally posted by giller

I went sheephead only fished the harbour, one guy only on the there saturday may have to fish harbour again calling north/west wind 25 klicks

Thanks for the reply giller----dont feel so bad about bailing out now, even tho took a real razzing from the GF about not going.

As an afterthought seems you had a real good day off the beach last year under "similar" conditions, but then the little buggers were in thick last year too:D
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